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Remove Subtitles and language


Accidentally uploaded a srt file that does not match the video.

Sorry, I'm trying to learn.

1 Comment

Hi, Francisco Javier,

Don't worry, this kind of uploading the wrong subtitle file happens very easily, and is very easily fixed too. I've deleted your subtitles in Amara and that deleted them from your original YouTube video too.

One detail, as you say you are trying to learn: you set the original language of the video as "English, British", when it is in Spanish, and that setting remains after the deletion of the subtitles. New subtitles will work all the same, but it means that the Amara language filters will classify your video among those in "English, British".

If that bothers you, you can create a ticket asking tech staff to re-set the video's language as Spanish - I can't do that, unfortunately.


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