To add a video source which will continuously bring in videos to your site, go to the Manage Sources page in the admin-facing area of the site (i.e.

User Feeds from YouTube,, and Vimeo

If you would like to add the videos of a user on YouTube, Vimeo, or, click "Add Feed" and paste in the URL for that user's profile page (e.g. , Miro Community will automatically convert this URL into a Media RSS feed of that user's video uploads.


Next, Miro Community will ask you to Review the feed before you add it and add any categories that describe the feed as a whole. You can also use this step to attribute the feed to a particular author. Miro Community will list the URL of the feed and the number of videos discovered.

The most important part of this step is whether you choose to "Approve All" or "Review them first." If you approve all, all videos in the feed will become public as they become embedded on the site, both those currently in the feed and any new videos that will be added later. If you choose to review these videos first, they will go into the Review Queue. You may change this setting for a feed at any time on the Manage Sources page.

You also have the choice to have videos from this feed not appear automatically on the front-page of your site in the "New Videos" area. You might want to select this option if the feed you're adding is particularly prolific at updating and you don't want to drown out other items, or if you would like your front page to be highly curated but still want this material available through the site.


At this point, you have the option to add the feed to your site, or cancel it. If you add the feed, importing meta-data for videos in the feed may take some time. When the feed has finished importing, you will be given the option to see the videos, moderate them, or return to the Manage Sources page, depending on whether you chose to review videos before approving them or not.

Later, you can edit or remove added feeds at any time through Manage Sources page.

Media RSS Feeds

You can add other kinds of video sources by pasting in the Media RSS feed.

The RSS feed will need to have media enclosures (specifically, video files) in order for videos to be embedded on your site.


Saved Search

A third way to bring videos into your site is by searching video host sites through Miro Community and saving the search results. Follow the instructions below for Searching for Videos, then choose "Save Search."

The search results are based entirely on what Miro Community receives from YouTube and



Search for Videos

You can search for videos by Keyword on the Manage Sources page of your Miro Community site ( Searching through this interface will return results from YouTube and You can choose to organize search results by the latest results or the most relevant. We have found that queries do not return results properly sorted by date.

Once your search results return, you can review videos from the search and choose to Approve, Feature, or Moderate the results by adding those items to the queue.

If you would like results from this search to regularly come in to your review queue, you can choose to "Save as a Source."