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My subtitles doesn't open or noone subtitles doens't open??!! :(((

Hi there,

I have a problem. I see that some subtitles that I've added just doesn't open. Or some other videos that I've subtitled doens't open any language. :((((((

Here are the link for some of the videos, because all videos from this TV Show don't open subtitles: Doesn't open any of the languages! or

Sorry for my bad Englisht sometimes. Thank you!

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Wawwwwww, Claude, thank you, thank you, thank you, so, so, so much, they really works now. 

I make the same thing with another video and now works :)) 

Well, I can't write all the videos that don't work here because are so many episodes :( , but I'll try to fix them alone. (But if you want to examine the problem, like I said, you just search on YouTube "Kuzey Guney (nr. of episode from 41-58)" and I'm sure you'll find some video that doesn't work.) If some of the video doesn't work late I'll post the link here.

Thank you :))

PS I'm glad for you for the news. You really deserves to be part of Amara stuff because your answers are so correct. Good luck :))

Hi Eri,

Apologies for my unclear former comments. I'll try to explain here what I was trying to do.

Amara's June 29 software update is exciting because of the new beta editor it made possible, but it caused several baffling issues  in subtitles that had been previously made with Amara. For instance:
  1. many recent subtitles and subtitle revisions disappeared, then were restored by Amara developers;
  2. the URLs of many subtitle sets changed;
  3. in many already subtitled videos, the indication of the video's language disappeared.

So in my first comment, I was just making hypotheses about how your issue might be related to those, and telling I wanted to try editing existing subtitles, to see if it would make them work in the player.

In the second comment I was just saying I had been unable to save the edits I made.

But actually, this evening, I saw that the edit to the Bulgarian subs of kuzey-guney-121912/ did get saved, but it didn't solve your issue.


So now I tried another hypothesis: perhaps starting a subtitle set in the defined original language of the video would make the other subtitle sets work in the player. By "defined original language" I mean Turkish for kuzey-guney-121912/ , where the definition is correct, and Greek for kuzey-guney-51bolum/, which is erroneous, but the software can't know that.

And it worked: now you can select existing real subtitles from the drop-list beneath the player beneath both videos. So if you urgently want to have the subtitles playing in the other Kuzey Güney videos on Amara, you could do the same: start a subtitle set in the defined original language of the video, even with just one subtitle, and hopefully, it will be possible to display the other subtitles in these other videos too.

May I just ask you one favor? Please leave a couple of videos unfixed and give their links here, so that developers can examine what is causing this issue.

Thank you in advance.


PS I've changed my user name back to Claude Almansi because Amara staff have now asked me to work 5 hours / week on this forum, replying to queries when I can, and referring those I don't understand to them. So I'm not exactly "justanAmarauser" anymore, rather kind of liaising with staff, from a user's viewpoint.

Well, thank you so so much for your correct answer calmansi, but I'm an ignorant on Amara. So, to say the truth I didn't understood nor 50% of what you have written up here. :((( Sorry, I know that you're not part of Amara stuff but "How can this be fixed?", it is so important. Here aren't just two videos, is the entire TV Show with problem (called "Kuzey Guney") 

Thanks ;)))

July 27, 213, 12:18 CET: Unable to save edits to subs of these 2 videos: I tried with all subs of kuzey-guney-51bolum/, and with Bulgarian subs of kuzey-guney-121912/.  But that's neither here nor there: I can't save edits in other subtitles either (I also tried in vain with the Italian subs of stay-human-stephane-hessel-interview ).

@Amara staff: anyway, it's better if you try, after archiving a copy of the 2 videos Eri mentioned with their present subtitle display issue. And then check what other videos might have the same issue.


Hi Eri,

If by "opening", you mean that the subtitles can be selected in the player: for the Bulgarian subtitles play when I select them from the droplist beneath the player, but not the Afar,  Albanian and English subs: the player just keeps saying "loading".

In none of the subtitles load for me either.

Difference between the subtitles of kuzey-guney-121912/: Bulgarian subtitles that play were last edited  05/28/2013, whereas the  last revisions of other subtitles that don't play are much earlier:  Afar 03/30/2013, Albanian 03/29/2013, English  01/26/2013.

@ Amara staff: could it be that Bulgarian 05/28/2013 subtitles were among the "recent ones" that got deleted in the June 29 update and later replaced by developers (see My subtitles are gone ) and could that make the difference?

However, this hypothetical date factor doesn't seem to obtain for the subtitles of kuzey-guney-51bolum/ . Last revisions for Bulgarian  05/28/2013,  Albanian  03/30/2013, English 01/26/2013. So, even if the Bulgarian subs were last edited on the same date as in the other video, here they don't load.

But there is a difference between the 2 videos: in kuzey-guney-121912/ , the video language is correctly identified as Turkish, whereas in kuzey-guney-51bolum/ , it is misidentified as Greek. Could that play a role?

I'll now try to make minor edits in the subtitles that don't load in both videos, to see if it changes anything


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