Hello. I translated a video into Japanese. However it looks like the
subtitle doesn't appear on the YouTube video. I am sure the owner of
the channel has linked with Amara. The link is http://www.amara.org/en/videos/Fc1EQKusVLXH/info/you-create-your-own-reality/?tab=video
I already submited a ticket a week ago but got no response so I decided to ask in this forum too. I was so exited to help to create subtitles, but this make me feel down a bit :( Hope this issue will be fixed soon.
Thank you for reporting this on the forum too, Tomo Suto. I hope you soon get a reply to your ticket from Amara's tech staff.
Have you contacted Teal Swan, the owner of the YouTube channel where the video appears? If not yet, you could perhaps send her a message from her channel's About page: she might not be aware of this issue in the connection of her channel to Amara. You could also explain to her that if she wishes, she could download your Japanese subtitles from http://www.amara.org/en/videos/Fc1EQKusVLXH/ja/1101680/ and upload them to her video herself, as a work-around until the issue is fixed.
Best wishes
Claude Almansi
Tomo Suto
over 9 years ago
Hi Claude. Thank you for the information. I sent her a message and I hope she read the message :)
Tomo Suto
Hello. I translated a video into Japanese. However it looks like the subtitle doesn't appear on the YouTube video. I am sure the owner of the channel has linked with Amara. The link is http://www.amara.org/en/videos/Fc1EQKusVLXH/info/you-create-your-own-reality/?tab=video
I already submited a ticket a week ago but got no response so I decided to ask in this forum too. I was so exited to help to create subtitles, but this make me feel down a bit :( Hope this issue will be fixed soon.