Thank you for this question, MIchael Do.
There seems indeed to be a glitch. However the Korean task for this video does correctly say:
Review Korean Subtitles
Original Language: English
Video: Teaching English without teaching E... ( 19:01 )
Subtitles: latest draft transcribed by Michael Do
So your subtitles seem to have correctly been to the reviewing stage. Nevertheless, you could create a ticket with the same content as your post here. The ticket will go to Amara's tech staff, and they will be able to remedy the issue - or explain to you what happened.
Michael Do
I finished my subtitling from English into Korean 3 days ago.
But my subtitling is still showing as incomplete even though I definitely completed all the lines that I had to translate and clicked complete button on top right in Amara subtitling editor.
Here is what I mentioned.
I really want to know why my subtitling is still showing as incomplete even though other user's finished subtitlings are showing as "needs review."
I hope that my subtilting is also shown as "need review."
Is there anything I have to do so that the state of my subtitling is changed from "incomplete" into "needs review?"
Please, help me. I need your assistance.
1 person has this problem