• library {% load localtv_thumbnail %}
    • {% get_thumbnail_url video width height %}:
  Returns a URL for a thumbnail for the given video.  The available sizes are listed at the top of the database schema file.
  • library {% load video_list %}
    • {% get_video_list_new as template_variable %}:
  Adds a list of the newest videos to the current template as  template_variable 
    • {% get_video_list_popular as template_variable %}:
  Adds a list of the most popular videos to the current template as  template_variable 
    • {% get_video_list_featured as template_variable %}:
  Adds a list of the featured videos to the current template as  template_variable 
    • {% get_video_list_for_category [category|category slug] as template_variable %}:
  Adds a list of the newest videos in the given category to the current template as  template_variable .  You can specify the category either with a Category object, or with the slug of the category.
    • {% get_video_list_for_tag [tag|tag name] as template_variable %}:
  Adds a list of the newest videos with a given tag to the current template as  template_variable .  You can specify the tag either with a Tag object, or with the name of the tag.
    • {% get_video_list_user [user|username] as template_variable %}:
  Adds a list of the newest videos for the given user to the current template as  template_variable .  You can specify the user either with a User object, or with their username.
  • library {% load editors_comment %}
    • {% get_editors_comment for [object|content_type primary_key] as template_variable %}:
  Puts a Comment object for the given object into the current template as  template_variable , or None if there is no editor's comment.


  • library {% load filters %}
    • simpletimesince:
  Returns the grossest level of time that has passed since a given date.  For example Template:Video.when published will give '1 year', '6 months', or '4 days'.
    • sanitize: strips dangerous HTML from a string
    • wmode_transparent: tries to patch <embed> code to add a wmode=transparent parameter.