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Ogg conversion very bad quality

Is there any way to adjust the settings of ogg theora? It's coming out looking like 8-bit and super lo res.

9 people have this problem

Hi there,
i am having the same Problem. I converted from one big video to different formats (mp4, ogv and webm) for a website. The bitrate of ogv is very bad what leads to a bad video quality. Is there a way to configure Miro? Maybe a way with console?

Edit: I handed in a ticket, no reply yet.

In this directory/Terminal:
cd /Applications/Miro Video
Edited this file:
open -e

After these lines:
class OggTheora(converter.FFmpegConverterInfo):
  media_type = 'format'
  extension = 'ogv'
I replaced:
  parameters = '-f ogg -vcodec libtheora -acodec libvorbis -aq 10'
   parameters = '-f ogg -vcodec libtheora -c:v libtheora -c:a libvorbis -q:v 4'

Then ran python -m compileall .  in that directory in

Then I quit and re-started the Miro Video ... Now I get better quality OggTheora ...
(I actually also replaced ffmpeg in the Helpers dir with my own binary, but I don't think mattered, as I had the same problem until I changed the config.)

I guess you can play around with quality, I assume q:v is video quality, and that 10 is best.
So another example could be: -c:v libtheora -q:v 7 -c:a libvorbis -q:a 3 filename2.ogv


so how do we implement this fix (and do the work for the developers)?

Here's what I did:

#1. drag and drop your Miro Video Converter app onto your desktop.

#2. Rename the app to 'miro'

#3. Right mouse click the app and click "show package contents"

double click "Contents" then "Resources" then "lib" then "python2.7" then "mvc"

#4. Edit "" in your favourite editor or in text edit

#5. Replace line '43' with:

parameters = '-f ogg -vcodec libtheora -c:v libtheora -c:a libvorbis -q:v 4'

#6. Open terminal

#7. copy paste this and hit enter:

cd ~/Desktop/

#8. copy paste this and hit enter:

python -m compileall .

Don't forget the period at the end.

*Thanks to Phil for the solution*

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I have the same Problem. Can anyone tell me where I can get Miroconverter Version 2.6. so i can make Ogg Theroa in good quality?

Thanks for Info


 I wasn't able to follow some of the suggestions here but sure appreciate the suggested help! Until Mira gets the OGG quality issue fixed, I found an open source converter that can "batch" convert at good quality and reasonable file size.

Search: theora converter sourceforge

The default quality setting for the OGG Theora conversion is 6 (ranging from 1 to 10) , and that seems to be good for me. FYI, when I unzipped the theora converter, instead of installing automatically I had to find the unzip location and then click the install again. After that it works well, and is the only converter I've found so far that has good quality video and also batch-convert (can convert more than one file at a time)

This problem did not occur in V 2.6, so I reverted to using that.

Seems like a bug.

Mac Pro, OSX V 10.7.5, 2x2.66Ghz Dual-Core Intel Xeon, 8 GB 667 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM, SSD hard drive.

Yep, that fixed it, thanks Phil! Do you work at Miro or are you just smarter and harder working than they are?

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