Hi, Claude
Thank you so so much!!! I'm really glad that you helped me. Like I write it was so important for me, because then I'll upload the videos with hard subs. You save me a lot of time.
Thanks once again!!!
Eri Pançi
Another question. I promise is the last one ;P. Look, now I want to delete the subtitles that I've make wrong. How to do that???
Thanks so much.........
Thanks again Claude,
I hope that in the future everybody will delete the subtitles there selves, because this take a very long time.
Thank you that you've interesed so much on my subtitles and my language ;P. It's not true that "Afar" and "Albanian" subtitles of the videos below are identical. I just view them and are not the same, that's why I put subs on "Afar" language, so I will not cancel the request.
"Shqip" doesn't mean anything in Albanian, expect as you know, means Albanian language. Eagle in Albanian is "shqiponje" so, as you see the words are approximately the same, but aren't a same word. I don't want to say that I don't agree with Prof. Xhevat Lloshi, because he is a prof. and I'm just a student, but I don't agree. As I know "shqip" just means "Albanian". I saw that the translation of "Titrat ne shqip u sollen nga erip2(EriPanci)" translate "shqip" as "English" but is a mistake, 'cause as you have understand it means "Albanian subtitltes are brought to you by erip2(EriPanci)". I hope that I'm clear :P.
What was that comment on page that I've requested to delete the subtitles:
See also my replies to the comment by PCF Support that you mention (about the new subtitle deletion procedure) and the Copyright questions concerning video deletion requests thread (about the new video deletion procedure).
Hi, thanks for reply, but I'm sorry! Are you saying to delete each line of subtitles, each subtitle???? Because this take a very long time??
Anyway, forget it. I will just let the subs as are now. I won't change them.
Have a good time! ;))
OK, thank you so much for your explination Claude, and sorry for misunderstanding... I really thought that you was someone of Amara staff, because you knew so much for Amara.
Anyway, once again thanks so much ;)))))
Hahahahahahaha, Claude, you have absolutly right. "justanAmarauser", you make me laughs...:PPPPP
Thanks 4 everything Calmansi...
Eri Pançi
Hello Amara Team,
Recently I've browse your website and it's really cool. So great idea! Now, this is my problem. I translated a TV Show on Viki.com, but later owners of the show deleted the episodes for copyright terms. I converted viki subs on .srt format. The episodes of the show are for free on YouTube and are uploaded by another one (my friend) here. Now I want to add Albanian Subtitles there, but my subs haven't the same synch as the English subs. I don't want to start from the begginig with the synch of subs. Why to do that? I've made it one time. The time codes are on .srt format. Why I need to make the synch over again?? I don't understand!!! Please help me because it's so important.
Thank you in advance...;)))))
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