To enhance organization, implementing sticky discussions for frequent requests on Amara would be beneficial. Users can easily add their specific cases, minimizing confusion. If that's not viable, a separate board like "Frequent Requests" could serve as an alternative, though user engagement might vary.
Claude Almansi
In the former help for Amara, there were multiple discussions for requests that could have been grouped. For instance, about:
So there could be sticky discussions for each of those types of frequent requests, where members would just add their specific case in the replies.
If sticky discussions can't be done here, then maybe a separate "Frequent requests" board could be made. But the problem with separate boards is that often, users don't really pay attention to their specificity (or at least, so it was in the tenderapp help).
Update: I just noticed that the How do I... discussion in the Help me, please! board is sticky. So sticky discussions would be preferable for each type of frequent reauests.