I Need Help

Finding a specific talk, subtitles, or task
Check your filters If you're having trouble finding tasks or videos, please check the filters – these are sorted by project, i.e. TEDTalks, TEDxTalks and...
Sat, 27 Sep, 2014 at 2:25 PM
All the tasks in my language say I don't have the permission to work on them
Some tasks have restrictions on who can perform them. In particular, subtitles cannot be reviewed by the user who has transcribed or translated them, and th...
Wed, 15 Oct, 2014 at 10:36 PM
Editing published subtitles
Do you have an edit you'd like to make on a set of subtitles that has either been published? Please find a Language Coordinator (LC) in your language, a...
Wed, 18 Sep, 2013 at 3:22 PM
Finding a Language Coordinator in my language
Find an LC in your language http://translations.ted.org/wiki/Category:Language_Coordinators Language Coordinators (LC's) are key members of the TED t...
Sun, 17 Aug, 2014 at 11:33 PM
Fixing translation credits on TED.com
If your translation credit (attribution) is wrong, please submit the following information via this form. Your request MUST include Links t...
Thu, 1 Sep, 2016 at 9:16 AM
Reporting a bug on Amara
In case you have come upon something on Amara that you think is not working correctly, or is working opposite to what is described in the documentati...
Tue, 8 Apr, 2014 at 3:20 PM
I need help with something not covered here
If you can't seem to find what you're looking for, here are some things to try: Make sure you've reviewed all the help and information on t...
Wed, 14 May, 2014 at 11:11 PM
The TEDx talk I want to translate is not on Amara
First, perform a search within TEDxTalks on Amara, by following these instructions. If the TEDxTalk you wish to translate is not part of the OTP grou...
Wed, 19 Feb, 2014 at 7:25 AM