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Using API to return an endorsed translation back to translator

Hello, I am looking for a solution how to change a video's translation status back to "being translated". A translator mistakenly endorsed their translation, and the work_status now is "needs-review".

I thought I'd use API to get it back to the "subtitles" status, through Update a request endpoint. I tried with only `"work_stage": "subtitles"` in the body, then also with the translator's name: `"subtitler": "AneteV". But those PUT API calls have zero effect: get just a http 301 response, reditect to the job's respective GET endpoint.

In the sites UI, however, changing the status works just fine:

- I find the video, click on the "Manage requests" action,

- find the language, click on the "Edit" action,

- change the state to "Translation",

- confirm the changes by clicking the "Update" button.

Now the API subtitle request JSON shows `"work_status": "being-subtitled"`. This is my intended result I'd wished to achieve through API request. Please clarify what would be the correct way of API use to achieve what I wanted.


Thank you for your question, Pāvils Jurjāns.

However, it concerns a team issue, and I am not competent to answer such issues. Please create a ticket: it will be read by Amara tech staff who will be able to help you.

Best wishes

Claude Almansi

To change the video's translation status back to "being translated" through the API, you need to ensure that you are using the correct endpoint URL and HTTP method. Check if `PUT` is the right method, or try `PATCH` if necessary. Make sure your API request includes all the required authentication headers and that the body content is correctly formatted according to the API documentation, including any other required information besides `"work_stage": "subtitles"`. If everything still doesn't work, it's best to contact the API support team for more specific assistance.

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