Thank you for your patience with this issue, we know it is ongoing and has been brought up several times. However, this is something that requires coordinating with the video hosting sites themselves, not just on Amara's side, and those conversations and agreements take time. We are working towards this goal, and we hope we can bring you a full screen player with support for Amara subtitles soon.
Claude Almansi
over 12 years ago
Thanks Darren. But when you mention "different players", do you mean different Amara players or different original players that get streamed within the Amara player?
I'm asking because when the original video is hosted on YouTube, as e.g. in the Amara Project Glass: Live Demo At Google I/O, the full screen command bottom right is actually YouTube's, not Amara's: in fact, if you activate it, you get all the CC subs that have been added to the original YouTube video, though not the ones that were made on Amara afterwards.
However, disabling full-screen because it doesn't work in Amara is a palliative. What users have long been asking for is an Amara player with its own full screen feature, where Amara-made subs would show. The Subtitle Horse player e.g. does that, even though it also streams elsewhere-hosted videos: try e.g. with the player in, which streams the Configuring URL Parameters in Webmaster Tools YT video with subs I re-added, not the original YT subs: the link should work for the next four days (1).
Can't the Amara player be configured to do the same? Of course, people who want to show an Amara-subtitled video full-screen, say at a conference, can also download the Amara subs, stream the original video in Subtitle Horse, add the Amara subs to it and show the resulting subtitled video full-screen too. But it's a bit complicated and then, it doesn't promote Amara, does it?
(1) SH does not host captions permanently, but you can save them on the server for 4 days while working on them - so I'm also attaching a pic of its player seen full screen.
Our developers are looking into what it would take to change our code so that when we embed subtitles onto different video players we're disabling fullscreen mode wherever possible. The biggest trouble is that we can't be certain that we'd be able to do it for all players. We haven't yet been able to scope this project (since it would involve so many different variables with different players), but hope to pay it attention sometime in the future.
Claude Almansi
over 12 years ago
Hi Richard,
I've gathered the archived versions of the old forum threads concerning the lack of subs in fullscreen view, in a Diigo list tagged fullscreennosubs.
In "vimeo subtitles do not appear in full screen view", on December 8, 2011 Margarita Shamraeva wrote: "We intend to fix this problem - please stay tuned for software updates." suggested a workaround to emulate fullscreen by indicating big settings for the player.
But there have been no news from Amara about this fixing since. And re that workaround: a) I'm not sure how that would work in a blog; b) it wouldn't solve the problem of someone seeing the video with subs at default size, then deciding to show it fullscreen in front of an audience by clicking the fullscreen button.
So really, it's Amara who should disable fullscreen by default in their player until they find a way to fix this issue. It makes absolutely no sense to view a video without subtitles in an Amara player: you might just as well go see the original.
Does anyone know what embed code to use to disable full screen viewing of videos (as subtitles are lost when we do this)?
Best wishes