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How to message team members with a specific language pair


I am trying to find people willing and available to quickly subtitle a video from Spanish into English and instead of messaging the whole group, I would like to send a message only to volunteers who indicated to be native English speakers with Spanish. We do have a number of people in the Global Voices community. How do I do that?

Thank you in advance!



Hi Paula,

That I know, Amara messaging does not enable this kind of precise targeting. I.e. team owners/admins can message all team members, or else message one by one members who have a given language configuration.

However, re the second option:  it has been impossible for several months to indicate what's one's first language in the language settings, so it's no longer possible to filter a team's  member list to get a sublist of members who are - as in your example - native English speakers with Spanish. So I think your best option would be the first one: messaging all team members. If you wish, you could add an apology for members who are not concerned, but I don't think they'd particularly mind - and it might also trigger other translations: wouldn't you like that?

What I find puzzling and a bit worrying is that translating Spanish subtitles into English for the Testimonio viuda de Eleuterio García Rojas, Celendín  video you linked is not listed among tasks filtered to show "All tasks in any project for English assigned to anyone". Did you perhaps change the workflow/tasks settings?

Last thing: I'm not a native English speaker but I write it reasonably well. So I could have a first go at this translation, then someone else could correct it.


Thank you ever so much Claude!

That would be a very good feature to add – we have 400+ teams members and it would great to concentrate on language pairs.

It is all so confusing – I didn't create tasks manually for English translation, as I have set Amara to automatically create tasks in all languages we translate into. I don't really understand the system :(

I have now created a task. Thank you for your help!



Update, still July 26 2013:

I've now started the English translation of the Spanish subtitles of Testimonio viuda de Eleuterio García Rojas, Celendín . This has created an unassigned task for this translation, listed in "All tasks for Any project for English assigned to no one": that's great, because it means that any member with English in their languages can carry on the translation.


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