Amara Support Center: signing up works again

Due to the large amount of spam posted on the Support forum and in Support tickets, Amara staff temporarily blocked signing up for the support features, until Freshdesk - the platform where Amara Support services are hosted - takes the needed measures against spamming.

In the meantime, if you do not yet have a Support ID but

  • have a question that is not answered in the Solutions area or the Forum,
  • or if you want to report an issue, please  send an e-mail to; would like to participate in a forum discussion, please send you contribution to the discussion to

Thank you for your patience.

1 Comment

I've changed the title of this topic from "Amara Support Center: Temporary signing up block" to "Amara Support Center: signing up works again" because Freshdesk has now implemented an Akismet spam filter, and so Amara staff have reopened the possibility to sign up. You can use the sign up button top right or go directly to the page.



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