Expanded options for adding videos to Amara

We’ve just released a group of features that allows higher flexibility for adding videos to Amara.

Previously, we only allowed a video url to exist in one place in all of Amara - so if a user tried to add a video to the public area, and the video was already on Amara in the Enterprise teams area, they would get an error message. This would also happen if a user tried to add a video to one Enterprise team that was already in another Enterprise team.


Now, a single video url can exist on Amara on multiple teams as well as the public area, for teams and users who wish to independently create their own subtitles for the same video.


For teams who prefer to prevent their team members from mistakenly subtitling videos in the public area, there is a flag that can be set by Amara staff for your team to mimic the old behavior.  If the flag is set for your team, then the following is true:

- If a video exists in the public area, and a user on your team tries to add the same video to your team, Amara will move the video to your team instead of creating a new one.

- If a video exists on a team, users will not be able to add it to the public area.

If you’re unsure if the flag is set for your Enterprise team, or would like us to set it for you, please email enterprise@amara.org.

Let us know what you think, or share your questions about the feature, by responding to this forum post. Happy subtitling!

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Thank you, Kenzie.

The teams where I have admin privileges still have the "old" interface. However I found the Judit-Testing team and in it, I picked the Peanuts Don't Grow On Trees video to experiment with what you explain. I used the original YouTube URL to create a public Amara page. The Add this video to a team form did not work when I tried to add it to Captions Requested: I got a message saying it was  already added though it wasn't. However I was able to add it via the Videos page of Captions Requested.

Does this not contradict "If a video exists on a team, users will not be able to add it to the public area." ?

And what would happen if - as team owner - I chose to completely remove this video from Amara via its Remove link? Would the copy on Judit-Testing be affected?




Hi Claude!

The Add this video to a team form not working is a bug - we currently have a fix for this in testing.

The behavior below only applies to teams with a "prevent duplicate videos" flag activated:

  • "If a video exists on a team, users will not be able to add it to the public area."

Judit Testing Team doesn't use this flag, so instead follows the new default behavior:

  • "Now, a single video url can exist on Amara on multiple teams as well as the public area, for teams and users who wish to independently create their own subtitles for the same video."

In other words, all three copies of the Peanuts Don't Grow on Trees video are valid:

  • in the public area
  • on Judit Testing Team
  • on Captions Requested team

If you, as a team owner, completely remove this video from Amara via its Remove link on the Management page -> Videos tab of a collaboration team, only the video copy on that team will be removed from Amara. The other copies will not be affected. Let me know if you have any more questions! Thanks, Kenzie

Thank you for the great explanation, Kenzie. Hopefully last question, about:

"If a video exists in the public area, and a user on your team tries to add the same video to your team, Amara will move the video to your team instead of creating a new one."

So far, when someone requested the deletion of a subtitle set, I would move the video to Captions Requested, delete the set, then remove the video from the team.

Will the deleted subtitle set stay deleted once I remove the video from the team and put it back in the public area?




Yes, it should stay deleted. Thanks Claude!

NIce one! Thanks for sharing the information on the Amara video sharing

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